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Human B/W Ultrasound Scanner

PL-2018CIV Trolley Utrasound Scanner with Workstation
The device is applicable for hospitals and clinics for examining liver, GB, spleen, kidney, pancreas, heart, bladder, uterus; with the human being configurations, as well as for veterinary use with the veterinary configurations.
Trans-vaginal examination features: 
-Trans-vaginal ultrasound is an intra-cardiac ultrasound, vaginal probe than abdominal probe with high frequency, high resolution features. Probe cavity close to the cervix, pelvic organs in the near field acoustic beam, ultrasonic image is clear, especially after the uterus, intrauterine lesions, pelvic mass, its early stage uterine fibroids, uterine malformations, lower position of the ovary follicle testing, ectopic pregnancy, early pregnancy, embryo development was observed as early as 5-7 days than abdominal ultrasound was found to improve the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound. 
-Patients without bladder filling, you can do ultrasound examination. 
-Obese patients with pelvic organ sound beam in the near field, the beam attenuation less than abdominal ultrasound image clarity, better diagnosis.

Please call: 400-636-0516 consulting

  • Introduction
  • Specifications
  • Pproduct image
Display image in real time, frozen, amplified, black- white reversed, up/down conversed and shift depth in real time.
- Video output: PAL and VGA; large screen monitor, videocassette recorder, video image printer.
- Soft keyboard and track ball to make operation faster, convenient and flexible.
- Trolley structured with plastic cover. Switch power is used without working frequency transformer. FPGA and SMT in the device make the device high integrated, small volume and light weight.
- The device passed clinical verifications of safety and diagnosis validity in its manufacturing country.
Image processing:
-Using high-end brand commercial computer configuration, Chinese WINDOWS XP platform;
-19”LCD color display high-resolution image capture, with screen display multiple static photos, local amplification;
-Intuitive pseudo-color coding shows visualization of dynamic image enhancement, convenient and accurate measurements;
-Full processing, part processing, gray processing, amplification processing, more unique lens roaming;
-For the image, can be marked text, arrows, boxes.
Print Storage: 
-With high-end color inkjet printer, fast print beautiful graphics integrated report card. 
-Save images and diagnostic reports together, can store one million images and reports. 
-Built-in diagnostics thesaurus and common reporting templatemouse-point thesaurus, templates, select the content is automatically added to the reportthesaurus, templates can be added or modified
-Fast and convenient historical cases queries. 
-The machine has a convenient case history inquiries.
Standard configurations
ultrasound scanner with 17" CRT monitor 
image workstation with 19" LCD monitor  
3.5Mhz convex probe
6.5Mhz trans-vaginal probe
7.5Mhz linear probe
HP ink jet printer  
1. Ultrasound scanner:
Standard probe:60R/3.5MHz Multi-freq Convex Probe13R/6.5MHz Multi-freq Trans-vaginal;
Detecting depth:≥ 220mm; 
Display mode: B; B+B; B+M; M; 
Gray Scale: 256; 
Image amplification: ×1.0; ×1.2; ×1.5; ×2.0; 
Measurement: distance; circumference; area; heart rate; gestational week; fetal weight etc; 
Annotation: time; date; ID; age; sex; detecting depth; probe type; focus; frame correlation etc; 
English-Chinese conversion; 
Cine-loop: 186
Obstetric table: BPD; CRL; GS; FL; AC; HC; FW; EDD; 
Body marks: ≥10 types with probe position; 
Monitor :14" CRT;
Power Supply: 100V~130V/220V~240V, 50/60Hz;
Net Weight: 40Kgs(including probe);
Dimension (mm): 910Χ760Χ900.
2. Imaging workstation specification:
Main board :Gigabyte G31M
CPU:INTEL Celeron 430 1.8MHz
EMS memory:Kingston800 1G
Hard disk:Western Digital 160G
Monitor:19" LCD
Electromechanical:phillips+ GREATWALL
Mouse:Double Swallow Optical mouse

PL-2018CIV Trolley Utrasound Scanner with Workstation

PL-2018CIV Trolley Utrasound Scanner with Workstation

PL-2018CIV Trolley Utrasound Scanner with Workstation

PL-2018CIV Trolley Utrasound Scanner with Workstation

PL-2018CIV Trolley Utrasound Scanner with Workstation

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